The legend of Merlin as never before seen.
A time-traveling Merlin is up against killer robots…
The epic comic is finally here.
The Reviews are in:
-Entertainment Weekly
A future Merlin travels to 5th-century Britain to prevent monstrous time-traveling killer robots from robbing the universe of magic, and Amber Weaver’s lively present-day narrative reveals how she becomes drawn into the war across time!
"A star-spanning saga of ancient magic and deep science, vividly told by a modern master of the comics medium.”
- Dave Gibbons
The Terminator meets The Green Knight in 30 enthralling story pages, setting the scene for this original epic inspired by the Arthurian sagas!
Starhenge, Book One: The Dragon & the Boar #1 is now available at comic book shops:
Cover A by Sharp - Diamond Code MAY220015
Cover B by Sharp - Diamond Code MAY220016
Cover C by Chris Weston - Diamond Code MAY220017
Cover D by Ben Templesmith - Diamond Code MAY220018
Cover E by Christian Ward - Diamond Code MAY220019
Cover F by Ryan Brown - Diamond Code MAY220020
Cover G by Matylda McCormack-Sharp - Diamond Code MAY220021
Cover H by Mike Perkins - Diamond Code MAY220022
Starhenge, Book One: The Dragon & the Boar #1 is also be available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.
Here’s what people are saying about StarHenge:
"A star-spanning saga of ancient magic and deep science, vividly told by a modern master of the comics medium.”
Dave Gibbons
“One of the great artists of our time at the top of his game. Absolutely epic.”
Tom King
“You are about to experience a next level artistic event by one of the great voices in all of comics. I am a huge fan of Liam and I cannot believe what a magnificent piece of comics art he has created!”
Brian Michael Bendis
“Classic science fiction and fantasy fans rejoice! StarHenge is the kind of 'epic' you crave--both noun and adjective. And even that doesn’t quite capture Liam Sharp’s astonishing scope and vision. There’s magic in these pages.”
Kelly Sue DeConnick
“This is *astonishing* work. Jaw dropping and epic and massive and totally a LIAM SHARP book but not any kind of Liam Sharp we've ever seen before or maybe even expected? Liam is breaking out all kinds of moves and modes that people who know him - from like, GREEN LANTERN or whatever - will never see coming. This is a gorgeous and incredible and MASSIVE swing for the stars that declares his ambitions have taken him to some exciting and undiscovered territories. Rough news for him (only thing harder than making a great revolutionary and career defining first issue... is a second issue). Great news for us. I can't WAIT to see what's next because I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S NEXT. Do you know how rare that is?!? I don't remember the last time a comic -- a first issue -- writing and "drawing" (which is such a limiting term for a book this visually dynamic and shifting) -- was so surprising. This is so exciting. I am so excited FOR HIM. I am more excited FOR ME
because this brilliant and insane and fabulous slab of new comics has crash-landed into my life.
Bravo, congrats, cheers, and exhale -- this is glorious.”
Matt Fraction
“Ok, this crushes. Seriously, "otherworldly" while not losing an ounce of heart. Farout stories always run the risk of losing their humanity, this story sacrifices none of that while delivering on the promise of esoteric high strangeness that I hunger for as a reader.
Amazing work.”
Michael Conrad
“Liam Sharp has been manufacturing a kind of illustration that we haven’t seen in decades; it evokes seminal works from across the publishing and design spectrum from Heavy Metal and Sandman to modern video game design, like Halo. Liam is a world builder with an all-encompassing vision who creates very few in business are truly capable of. And Liam seems to generate with a pace that staggers me.
“StarHenge feels like the culmination of years of Liam’s thoughtful design, storytelling, drawing, illustrating, painting, digital work, and more, all rolled into one. He approaches imagery and storytelling — even panel borders — in ways I can’t begin to fathom. This is a work for people who are fans of science fiction, fantasy, fine art, narrative storytelling, and genre fiction. It’s truly staggering what he’s accomplished and everyone should check it out — and take some time with it, to truly absorb the width and breadth of work on these pages. It’s mind boggling.”
Phil Jimenez