

It’s been a whirlwind couple of days!

It’s been a whirlwind couple of days! Wednesday was StarHenge day, with the launch, the signing at Flying Colors, Concord, CA (100 copies sold in 2 hours! Thank you, Joe Field!), and then flying back to the UK for a few weeks that evening. Straight to the pub to catch up with old friends and family on Thursday night, at the local - and excellent - ‘Creaky Floorboards’. I only just managed to grab a few moments here and there to check the response to the book…

And so far it seems to be great!

HUGE relief! It was a massive risk, and a very unusual and complex concept. It’s been nail biting to say the least! So seeing the fan reactions and the wonderful reviews is incredibly cathartic and vindicating. I’m just so chuffed.

So again, thanks so much for the stonkingly great support! I hope it garners good word of mouth, and continues to build an audience as it goes forward.

Onwards, friends!

Joe Elardy